Saturday, May 23, 2009

Surfer Girls

Here is a link to an article about women of all ages that can be found surfing around Wrightsville Beach. Slightly misinforming article as far as my bio...

Surfer Girls by Allison Ballard

Michelle Masson

Here is a link to Michelle Masson's
article I wrote for the March issue of Wilma Magazine

Breta Carnes Article in Wilma

Sculpting Water

Sculpting Water is an article I wrote for the February issue of Wilma Magazine

Creative Wilmington

Creative Wilmington

All things cultural in Wilmington

Dreams of Wilmington

I work for Dreams of Wilmington an after school youth arts outreach program that offers free or reduced rate classes with professional artists, musicians, writers, actors, and dancers.

Natural Instincts

Natural Instincts
Article written about my thesis show at Wabi Sabi Warehouse in Wilmington by Lauren Hodges

Second Look At Nature

Second Look at Nature

Great article written by Nancy Sanders about my thesis show when it was at Kinston Council for the Arts.